Sunday, April 03, 2016


     I have always dreamed of a huge kitchen like on my cousins' farm.  A room large enough for all the family activity at one time that still retains an intimate cozy, warm secure feeling.
     Well, my family in Eastport is not that large - just me, David and the dog, Dylan Thomas.  And this is my kitchen which I love.
     The space is perfect for one and workable for two.  The lighting is great - Eastern and partial Southern exposure in the daytime.  There are very bright lights over the sink and task lights along all counter spaces.  The light above the stove finishes it off.  The dining room is close and open so conversation with family and guests can continue as the meal is prepared.  The cook is not isolated from the household activities.  The best part of this kitchen is the view from the work space at the sink.  I can look out onto Friar Roads, Campobello Island,  bits of the Bay of Fundy and other nearby Canadian Maritime Islands.  It is a good Zen place to create delicious food.

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