Here in south Florida Spring has been wonderful. Very cool, low humidity nights and hot sunny days with a nice breeze. I think it is the wind that has kept our temperatures down this year.
I was organizing my photos when I came across the one I posted of wild daisys in Eastport. The picture lifts me and lightens my mood.
I see from my last entry that it has not been a month since I blogged. I think it will be my goal to post a MINIMUM of once a month.
I noticed the rest of my blogging family are really getting into it also. I agree with the statement that blogging is positive therapy and it is cheap too. It only cost your time.
I enjoy reading all the other blogs as it makes me feel part of the picture even though I may be a thousand miles away.
Frani has become serious about the move back East and I have become serious about my move to the Northeast. Simpler times, gentler people, and a much slower pace. Ft. Lauderdale has become a jungle for the fast and furious. I do appreciate the fact and will always remember it - that - I was lucky enough to discoved Ft. Lauderdale when it was relatively unknown over thirty years ago. The beauty of how it was will always be in my mind though the conditions can never be repeated.
I have had a lot of luck in my life. I visited Kaua'i when it was unknow and undiscovered by the masses. I toured the Grand Caynon may times before the horrid nesessary restrictions and fees caused by the throngs who have no respect for the Ina (land). Because of Fran living in Arizona, I also got to enjoy many of it's delights before civilization started trashing nature. I guess it cannot actually be prevented as there just are too many people.
My ramblings are not to bring anybody down. These are just my views, my feelings. The positive thing here is my memories and they certainly are terrific.