Monday, December 09, 2013

First Snow

 FIRST SNOW - 2013
     Yes, we had an insignificant amount of snow today.  Not much accumulated, but it was white, clean and beautiful.  I think the first snowfall of the season always has a peaceful and calming effect on people.
     Dylan Thomas, on the other hand, was very invigorated and animated.  He rushed out onto the back deck prancing and barking at the snow.  He was fired up and ready to run.  So, we took him out to the Dawg Park where he could be loose and let him go.  He had a fine time playing ball.  He kicked up a nice powder of snow behind him as he ran after the grounders and demonstrated some pretty impressive Air-time as he leaped for those high bouncers. We are always amazed how he can get his 76 pounds that high off the ground.  The three of us enjoyed our first snow.  It is still coming down a bit and perhaps by morning it will have become significant!


       THANKSGIVING - 2013
     This was the Thanksgiving Turkey.  We were traditional and simple this year.  We enjoyed a great meal with not much work and a minimal amount of left-overs.  Turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, David's home-made cranberry sauce, carrots and Cheri's home-made pumpkin cheesecake for dessert.  It was just me, David, Cheri and Dylan Thomas.  Oh yes, Dylan has his share of Thanksgiving dinner too.
     I think we all realized just how much we had to be thankful for, even Dylan.