Monday, April 10, 2006

Changing a threat.
I threatened B-bomb to post more of her baby pictures if she didn't quit nagging me. well, she has not nagged me, but I decided to post some more pics of her anyway. I was looking through my old photos and reliving a lot of old memories of good family times and I could not resist sharing. Besides - she is so darn cute.
Joanne is getting ready to go to Wyoming to finish off her house and sell it. I am sad because I won't have a close friend and loving family member two doors away. But - I am happy for her as she seems to be in the frame of mind to move forward toward better things even though she knows there will be boulders in the road to stumble over.
Also David is preparing for his departure to the Nothern residence, so, Duncan and I will hold the Southern fort alone for a while. Duncan and I will be anxiously be counting the days till we hit the road for Maine too!
The older I get the more I miss the closeness of my large family. Sadly we learn too little and too late.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Special post for B-bomb.
You know who you are. You keep nagging me about not posting. I have noticed nothing new on your site for a while now.
You wanted more postings, great. Here's a picture of you and me at your Grandmother's house in O.C.
Now smile and quite bugging me or I will post all your baby pictures.
Love you!
Spring in Florida.
Emma and Fran are mentioning spring and the weather changes on their blogs - Maine and Arizona respectively. It made me think that we do have subtle changes of season here in South Florida.
While walking Duncan I saw that my neighbors water lilies were in bloom. I had to return home and get the camera. You see the results, a beautiful blossom.
Strangely enough, the crunching of dry leaves underfoot is a seasonal sign here also. The difference is we seem to experience this in Spring rather than Fall. I assume it is the trees droping their sparse winter greens for their full and more vibrant summer greens.
Temperatures are still wonderful and comfortable here - not too hot in the daytime with a bit of a breeze and still nice and cool at night - great for sleeping.