Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why can't dandelions be beautiful? I think they can; they are. This Spring the vacant house next door to me had a lawn the was totally uncared for and all of a sudden a million dandelions sprang up. Their golden yellow blossoms were a cheer each morning as I sat on the deck or balcony having my jump-start of coffee. On a particularly breezy day it was wonderful to observe the waves of yellow undulate across the field. It reminded me so much of the wind on the wheat fields on my cousins' farms that I used to visit as a child.
I am so thankful that as I get older my eyes begin to serve me better and I can see and appreciate the wonder and beauty in things that would have previously never captured my notice. Now, as I drive along my country roads it amazes me how many beautiful "weeds" I can spot and appreciate even cruising at 50 MPH.

Yes, the new dooryard is finished, the clover is planted between the times and the tiles are stable enough to park the cars on.
Clover was chosen initially because it comes up fast (in 48 hours actually) and the root system is tight and deep and provides almost instant stability to the tiles. In the Spring the clover will be replaced with creeping thyme which we discovered at kingsbrea Gardens in Canada. The creeping thyme is an excellent choice for spaces between pavers because it also has a tight root system and when crushed by walking or driving on it, it gives off a lovely scent. They crushing does not kill or harm the plant - in fact, it stimulates more growth. The bonus is the tiny, delicate pale purple blooms and the foliage is so dense it feels springy and soft like moss.
Another project completed and only 999 left to go. Slowly but surely - one day and one project at a time.