Miss Wilmont's Ghost was a pleasant surprise in our garden this year. (See - http://www.sunnygardens.com/garden_plants/eryngium/eryngium_1448.php - for more information on Miss Wilmont's Ghost. The blooms were a wonderful pale lavender color and lasted a very long time. As the blooms faded the plant took on a white-silvery (ghost-like) color and appeared to be a different plant. Then, when it finally died; this plant dried nicely as it remained in the ground. Small seeds can be seen falling from t

he thistles whenever it is jostled and we are hoping for a dense reseeding.
Apparently this plant obtained its name from Miss Wilmont who, after attending parties, would discretely toss a few seeds from her pocket into her host's garden. Viola - come Spring, the lovely blooms of Miss Wilmont's Ghost would grace the garden of some surprised past party-giver.
Now all the rest of the garden has been tilled over and the iris bulbs have been planted along with the allium bulbs leaving only the fresh nutrient-rich soil exposed along with the shades of - Miss Wilmont's Ghost.