Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The home improvements continue. Now that the weather has turned cold most work is being done inside. It is such a pleasure to see all the changes. Some of them take a bit of adjustment as I still find myself groping about for the dangling chain to turn on the upstairs hall light when I am well aware of the new switch being on the wall. It is also a comforting thought to know all the wiring from the late 1800's has been removed and replaced.
Brent has long since become our favorite and most welcome visitor. There seems to be nothing beyond his capabilities. At the right he is putting the final touches on the studio ceiling light. Now we are not dependent on the sun and some lamps for ease of vision.
Slowly but continuously this house is becoming what we dreamed it could and would eventually be. Thank you Brent.
Before the worst president our country has even known leaves the White House (where he never belonged according to popular vote), I want to take a minute and thank him so very kindly for my economic stimulus refund check. You may not be able to read the amount - it is for a whopping dollar and fifteen cents. I am truly indebted to our President. Due to this hefty refund I will be able to buy food, gasoline, and fuel oil. My medical bills can be cleared up and I will have a little ahead for my prescriptions. I am not complaining, but if the refund had been just a little bit more, I would have been able to buy a couple of Christmas gifts for my loved ones. George - you do us proud! I don't even mind that I had to wait till November for the check to arrive.