How wonderful to live in a place with seasonal change again. After 36 years in Florida it is an amazing awakening.
Now that Mud season is over and it is really and truly Spring. I can spend part of almost everyday outside gardening.
The vegetable garden is is and doing well. We planted peas very early this year hoping to be able to get in two crops. Experts say it can be done.
This year we have a couple new additions. We planted Kaleidoscope carrots which are varied colors and not just orange. Also we were lucky enough to get some heritage tomato seedlings the other day from Growing Concerns in Calais. I can't wait to eat a black or a purple tomato. Pictures will be posted.
Ah, the joy of having the doors and windows open and spending most of the days outdoors. Days are getting longer and longer and soon we will be having cocktails on the deck at 9:30 PM and still be enjoying the wonderful fading light.