We have been having cold weather here in South Florida. It is especially nice at night for sleeping. The days are like early Autum up North and very uplifting and pleasant. Last night the temperatures dropped to 46 degrees - that's cold for us Southerns; Tonight it might dip into the 30's. I was complaining a little until I read my friend, Emma's blog post regarding the blizzard in Eastport. Now, I admit, I feel a little smug - We have No Snow.
I guess winter is one of the things I do still appreciate about my fast fading little city.
Today we voted for mayor; I voted for a new one. The last current mayor has spent twenty years getting us to where we are and it is not very pretty. Can we be saved? We shall see.
Nice photo. Nice yellow house. Too many power lines, tho. Don't you hate when they get in the way...
Great post. You are so articulate, but then you always did have a good knack at writing.
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