Yesterday was a good day. The weather was great and we spent a lot of time out of doors. Duncan loved it because for a while the doors remained wide open - just like in summer. Duncan has the impression that the deck, balcony, and the property are simply extensions of the house - his living space; his territory.
I received the good news that my house has definitely sold in Florida and the signing date is set. Now to find a reasonable air fare. It most certainly was a GOOD day and one I must hold for future reference when there comes a time when things might not seem so wonderful.
My new art supplies arrived From Blick Studio. I was thrilled as the order included my new Navajo easel. It had to be assembled - David did this for me as I am still allowed to play the "broken are" card for a while; I celebrated in the late afternoon by painting two more pictures. Painting - it makes me feel good and puts my mind in another place for a while - and - it's a nice place!