Yesterday after the subtle sunrise experience, the day bloomed into a brilliant early,but perhaps falsely misleading, Spring. The temperature struggled toward 50 degrees and the sun came out in full radiance. It was a perfect day for a walk in the woods at Shackford Head. So the three of us trundled off and had a nice short hike among the pines. Duncan was, of course, on the alert. He was well aware of the creatures who had passed in the night leaving their personal scents and signals about and he was as busy as a blind man reading braille.
The ground was wet and soft, but not muddy. The breeze was gentle, but not chilling, and even out poor humanoid olfactory equipment could pick up the scent of green and new growth. It was a very well spent hour and set the stage for a quiet evening at home. We were all impressed; although I think Duncan was disappointed that the squirrels were not awake yet and he had no one to scold.
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