Finally, the work on the new dooryard was commenced. To the left is a photo of the dirt spot where we used to park o

So, the work continued daily and we excitedly watched the progress. Duncan didn't like the noisy machinery and the vibration of the earth and the house; actually neither did I, but we tolerated it and paid the price for our little dream.

The day arrived when all was completed and it was my turn to plant the clover between the paving tiles and plant the new grass on the sides and edges. The clover came up in 48 hours, but I haven't taken a picture of that yet. The grass is just now starting to sprout - about a week and a half after the seeding. Hopefully before the killing frost we will get a glimpse of the totally finished product. In the Spring we will plant creeping thyme in place of the clover. Not only will the thyme look better, but there will be a lovely scent each time the dooryard is walked on or driven over.
Meanwhile work goes on inside the house by our ever faithful and multi-talented, Brent - That's for another blog entry.
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