I have always loved roses and usually had some wherever I lived. Of course, I tried growing them here in Maine. I planted some fantastic white JFK's in my white garden and they did well.
Encouraged by this I decided to plant a memorial rose garden along the driveway. This was to be in honor of all our departed and well loved family members. For some reason this project was not as successful. The roses would do well for one season and then die out in the Winter or in the following Spring. I realized I couldn't plant new roses every year, so I did a little research. Amazingly there are many conflicting opinions for winter rose care. I tried them all and none were satisfactory to me.
I found a nursery in Calais and had a nice chat with the gentleman who owns the place. He told me that growing roses in Maine was chancy, however he had some rose bushed that he guaranteed would winter well for me with minimal fussing about putting them to bed. These bushes are small and close to the ground and a couple of them are climbers, but they are beautiful and hardy. The ones I planted last year came back very healthy this year and so I added some more. Now I have ten rose bushes lining the driveway and probably will eventually put in some more. They are so satisfying to look at and I find myself in a kind of Zen-type bliss wen I am caring for the tiny beauties. The ones pictures are an unusual apricot color.
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