Sunday, May 18, 2014


     Again I am amazed that I have neglected my blog for such a long time.  Sometimes I just drift about and feel so lazy.  But - when I motivate myself and accomplish something I am so happy and satisfied.
  The past several days I have been enjoying the love-labor of gardening.  It is something I can kind of "Zen" out on and just be in the moment.  It is very peaceful and relaxing; although at the end of the day my tired older muscles are a bit stiff and sore.  I have convinced myself to accept and live with this minor discomfort as I am not giving up my gardening and there is still much to do. 
     This lovely nourishing rain will now awaken my little seeds and the next sunny day will call them to the surface.  Now I understand why the Hawaiians call this type of rain a "Female Rain" - because it is gentle and nourishing.

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