Friday, July 08, 2016


      Last week we had to go to Machais for some minor testing at the hospital there.  It is about 40 miles from Eastport so it is an quick drive.  We took Dylan Thomas along because he loves car trips.  While David was busy with his exam, Dylan and I went to Bad Little Falls and poked about.
      It is a picturesque and beautiful place and the sound of the rushing waterfall is very tranquil.     The word Machias roughly translates in Passamaquoddy as "bad little falls", a reference to the Machias River. Machias is best known as the site of the first naval battle in the American Revolution.
      The Machais River was also a timber transporting route in days gone by.  The logs came tumbling over the falls and drifted on down to Bangor.  It's a nice place to spend a quiet contemplative few minutes and Dylan likes to sniff out all the little critters.

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